Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Swimwear 2010

The weather is getting a bit warmer, and the birds are starting to come out again.  The sun is setting a bit later, and the winter coats have been put away in storage.

Summer is just around the corner!!!!!!   - can you tell, I'm not really into winter?

I am not one for cold weather - I really hate it.  I think I reach my full potential in the summer.  When the weather is nice, there really isn't much to be upset about.
So, I have a couple million more crunches to do, and a couple thousand more laps to run to be swimwear ready, but it's time to start scoping out some swimwear for Summer 2010.

Andres Sarda is a Barcelona based swimwear designer and as you can see --- wow. Just wow...

I'll just let you sit here and ponder these for a while....

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